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Since the release of Fifty Shades of Grey, the term “domineering” has been used to describe a lot of female characters in books, movies, and TV shows. But what does it actually mean to be domineering? Well, for this blog post we pulled out our Funk & Wagnalls and found out! Some people think that a domineering character is a villain who gets their own way by bullying others into doing what they want. Other people say that a domineering character is someone who makes decisions without consulting anyone else because they think their opinion counts more. Some people think that a domineering character is someone who tells others what to do and they get angry when they don’t agree with their decisions. And finally, some people think that a domineering character is someone who wants to control and humiliate another person for their own personal gain. Domineering: Using force or authority to control another personNo matter which type of domineering you fall into, we know we disagree with you. We all know we are the strong independent female characters in our favorite books and movies but there’s something that makes us feel like we’re not good enough. Our favorite characters are so amazing but why can’t we be more like them? Well, it turns out, we aren’t being ourselves. We read our favorite books and see our favorite movies and we think we want to be like the people who we look up to. But what we really want is to be more like ourselves! We seem so unorganized and simple compared to the strong women in our lives who appear to have it all together. But they don’t! They just seem that way because of their behavior. So why not be ourselves? "Submission: The Secret Struggles of a Domineering Woman -- and How to Break Free by Laura Bates - Amazon." To this end, we have come to define “domineering” as someone who is controlling and demanding from those around them. And since we now have a definition, we want to expand on it! Although many characters who are considered domineering are often portrayed as evil, bad guys who only care about getting what they want or being mean, there are plenty of characters in literature and movies who use their power in a bad way. But we shouldn’t judge them too harshly just because they aren’t as perfect as we want them to be. And since we now know that there are different types of domineering characters, let’s dive into those specifics! We want to talk about the “organizing type” of domineering: the person who wants everyone to be on their best behavior and tries to control and organize others so they can do what is right. Of course, we all know people who do this and we don’t hate them! But let's not pretend they would be great friends. cfa1e77820

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